Story about Narcolepsy .

How kratom saved my life, my sanity and my family.

Dec 2, 2

I have suffered from chronic pain for 22 yrs. I have 5 bulging and herniated disc's, DDD, Fibromyalgia, CTS, CFS, Narcolepsy, PTSD (9/11) and recently due to Fibro I fainted and injured both ankles, both knees, R wrist and my neck from hitting my face on the bathroom counter when I dropped! 1st of all I have not had a drink of alcohol since Aug 15, 1997. So that being said you will understand my concerns as I tell my story. I have had a rough life, like most of the world, but when I get knocked down I jump right back up and keep fighting but 10 yrs ago when my fibro got so bad I couldn't work, clean house of function with our something to take for pain. I started getting medications for pain, depression and anxiety. All through my life I have been on some kind of medication. Until 3 yrs ago I was able to "get by" Then I ended up on 13 different medications, I couldn't work at all. I was approved for disability and had a total of 360 doctors apt in one year. YES I know! That just about 1 for every day of the year! Well between all the meds and the depression I came to the conclusion that this quality of life wasn't acceptable. It was a logical decision. So I took 150 amitriptyline. Fortunately my brother in law got the police and medic's to my house before he got off the phone with me. I was in ICU for 3 days on 2 IV's at the same time. When I was "released" I was sent straight to The Ridge, a psych hospital in Lexington, KY. I was there for 10 days. The psychiatrist was trying to explain there was nothing logical about suicide from chronic pain. Till this day, I bed to differ! Since my release I have been hospitalized 3 more times for depression, cutting and more suicide attempts. I finally promised my Mother I would wait to end my life till she died. She said I couldn't do that to her cause then who is going to take care of her. (she was taking care of me instead, ?) So I got back on the chronic depression pain horse again and fought to keep my head above water. It wasn't until 5 months ago I was in a Fibromyalgia support group that a friend Kathy Turner sent me a pm, telling me about Kratom. I didn't believe 1 plant held the miracle for chronic pain relief when the pharmaceutical companies couldn't even come up with 1 drug that took care of my pain. It took me 1 month to get up the courage to actually try it. I went to a local head shop and asked them if you had kratom. That is the beginning to the end for me. The end of chronic pain, the end of multiple ER visits a week, the end of my depression, the end of me trying to always end my life! I started using kratom to help with my chronic pain but what I've found out is I don't need anxiety pills any more, I don't take antidepressants anymore, I'm off 11 medications now! I'm not a regular tat the pharmacy. I can clean my house today! I was talking to my Father last week who is President of AMS (America Military Society) and told him, if we can get my neck where I'm not always suffering I just might be able to get off Disability! That was music to his ears. He doesn't understand chronic pain so he would always tell me I just need to stop being a baby and get a job. Well for him to hear me say that... even he is happy that I take Kratom! I can take care of my Mother today, who is very ill with emphysema. And life is not all about me. My day does not consist of sleeping and crying today. Some of the medications I am off of now are Provigil, Adderall, Gabapentin, Viibryd, the list goes on! Since taking kratom I have shared it with my sister, my PCP, my pain specialist and my therapist. I have also started a face book page, Kentucky Kratom United to send all my doctors, friends, family and anyone who is interested to hear who I no longer SUFFER! My life is full now. I can now become a part of society. I don't have to rely on everyone to survive. But most of all... I want to LIVE TODAY! As long as Kratom is legal in America, I have a way up and a way out! REMEMBER. I have tried suicide 5 times, today I want to live, not die.
My name is Kelly Devine I'm 43 and disabled. I live in Frankfort, KY but from Baltimore/DC. I use to work for Fed Ex Ground and AGE. I've been a packages handler and an Insurance Issue Clerk for the military. I recently had an appointment with my pain management in Louisville, KY after using kratom for nearly 8 months I have been told they are excited I'm doing so much better, they were concerned I was not going to make it, referring to my past 5 suicide attempts. Keep doing what I'm doing, what I've been doing differently was using kratom. My concern is when I went to the doctor on 7/23/15 I was informed the PM is now testing for the alkaloid mitragynine. They informed me that kratom is banned in Kentucky and is illegal. However, I created and run Kentucky Kratom United and know the facts, it is not banned in KY nor is it on the DEA's list of banned substances. I was told a Mr. Keltner from the LMPD informed them (doctors) it is a controlled substance. I suffer Chronic Fibromyalgia, Degenerative Disc Disease, Spinal Stenosis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Narcolepsy, Depression, Anxiety and PTSD. The symptoms from the combination of diseases I have can be so over whelming some days I can't tell you what hurts worse, they all hurt equally. Before kratom I'd sleep 3 and 7 days in a row, I'd be tied to the couch or bed from lack of energy, chronic pain and depression. I have been on so many medications it would take hours to put them all on a list so I'll relay some that I can remember. Viibryd, Prednisone, Fentanyl Patch, Oxycontin, Norco, Percocet, Endocet, Opana, Trazodone, Amitriptyline, Carisoprodol. Just to name a few. For the last 20 years I have been getting Physical Therapy, Chiropractor, Exercise, Injection Therapy and Hydrotherapy. Still I suffered! I became so bad I could no longer work 3 years ago and was granted Disability. Well 8 months ago I was in a Chronic Pain Support group and another member sent me a message telling me a story of this new plant she found and her chronic pain is now manageable, you can only imagine my response that one plant could bring this lifeless body back from the dead. It took me a month of conversations, investigating, and lot s of questions and "what if's" Right before Christmas I made the plunge, I ordered a sample from an on line vendor because my friend explained the dangers of buying kratom in a "smoke shop".Well Christmas came and so did my sample! I followed the directions friends told me and started small, I was astonished! With in 20 minutes my pain just melted away, no high, no blurred vision, it was just "gone" I've been sold ever since. I have not tried suicide, cutting or burning my arm as a pain distraction since. Being off 11 medications I have a better quality life now, before I would pass out or have black outs from all the medications I was on. Today I remember everything from the moment I wake up to the moment I fall asleep. I am a daughter now, I do chores around the house, I can go to family functions where before I was asked not to come because my medications made me an embarrassment to my family. If doctors and states ban kratom I will be back on all the medication I have had the most wonderful experience of leaving behind, the thought of not having kratom leads me down that dark path of "I'll die, I'll just end it all" and I do not want to die today. Please do not make me choose between kratom and freedom from the chains of chronic pain. Being a zombie and still in pain is no way to live, no quality of life, it is not a choice I want to have to make. Please keep kratom legal, reverse the bans so others can live again as I do, please I beg all the medical doctors. Do not make us choose treatment over kratom. I needed pain management and now I have that. A combination of medications I still use, kratom and injections... I feel alive
Kelly Devine7/23/15

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