Story about Essential Thrombocythemia .

My diagnosis

Aug 11, 2017

By: Nicky

In 2011 at the age of 42 I was diagnosed with Myeloproliferative Neoplasm (or MPN) and after a bone marrow biopsy, Essential Thrombocythemia (ET) was diagnosed. I am also JAK2+

I take a daily dosis of 1 500mg Hydrea which is an oral chemo and sometimes people find it hard to believe or understand. But hey, I'm happy and blessed to only have the orphan of cancers! 

My treatment took six years to stabilise my platelets and I have less days now filled with fatigue, bone pains or nausea or sometimes all symptoms simultaneously! 

Some days I'm so tired - a tiredness you cannot explain to people and if it's a weekend with no plans I can sleep through it!!! 

I remain positive and know that if God does not heal me in this lifetime, He will heal me in my next and final one.🙌🏻

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