Story about Superficial siderosis .

History of my journey thus far with SS.

Feb 9, 2016

Lost my mother in 1998 to Alz, and my sister @ 64 yrs old to Alz. just 1'1/2 years ago to Alz. and by brother @ 64 to Vascular Demticia. I have have problems for about 12 years before I was diagnosed with SS. After a follow up about a year ago, still having issues with memory, organization, unable to count money correctly,  I made an appt. with my neuro doc. after another test which should be be difficult turned out to show the my cogitive levels had dropped to have the doc. to re-test me with an MRI. On this occasstion he called me and my wife in to tell me what I had which was SS. He had to confir with one or two other doctors to make this call. Turns out the the technology with the MRI machines had addvanced over the years and was not showing where blood had left it's mark. The blood is reported to be in the cerrablem area of the brain, or close to the area between the ears. I have started having seisures, and meds giving me really did not help at all. They are random and can happen in my sleep, walking, or just sitting in a chair. They are set off 99% of the time by an ordor like food most of the time. For example I had maybe 30 of these over a 3 day period about a month ago, and 3 very mild ones with in this week of this posting. 

Working for me means driving a lot so some meds I cannot take while driving. I am litterly scared to drive myself out of town for business. Some days I feel like my insides are shaking from Lord know what or why. I own my business and it is difficult to even try to keep up with mistakes I make in a single day. Depression is talking to me everyday from this. I have lost my edge of what I have done for most of my life. My wife being 12 years younger is the one I worry about the most....not me because I know how stressfull it is to deal with people with Alz, and other mental doubles her work/caring for all I mess up in all things I do.  God Bless, Cb

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