Story about Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome .

A Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome story

May 13, 2016

January 2011...I was rushed to hospital as 10 inches of my bowel had died, I had a bowel resection and 12 days later I was sent home, but within a day or too I was getting awful pain in my stomach after eating or drinking, being sick, no pain killers was helping I was taking back to hospital on so many times to get morphine and anti sickness, in 4 months I lost 4 stone the Drs couldn't find what was wrong with me and was saying it was all in my head I ended up staying in hospital 4 months before they found that I had a blood clot in my mesentric artery, the clot had gone so hard they couldn't remove it so every time I would eat or drink it was slowing my blood flow into my bowel causing stomach angina. I am now on warfarin keeping my blood thin so it can flow easier into my bowel if my blood gets to think I soon know as I'm left with the pain and sickness, I'm lucky as I don't have to have a feeding tube, but now because of the operation I have been left with giant incision hernias in my stomach due to weaken stomach muscles and with the blood clot there worried about operating again. 

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