Story about Syringomyelia .

Idiopathic syringomielia... Or is it?

Dec 2, 2

I developed a syrinx from t1 - t8. Loss of temperature feeling in left arm, shooting pains down left arm. Had a shunt placed, post surgery had sensory loss down left side and in my right leg. The shunt failed and the syrinx was growing fast again. Went to UCLA and the suspected an arachnoid cyst. Had another surgery to remove the cyst. Last MRI showed the syrinx has shrunk. 

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Hi Eric 

  My Dr's stated mine is always Idiopathic but then stated I was born with it. Well which is it Ugh, I think the Idiopathic means they don't know how it occurred do that is what they call it. This condition has so many unanswered questions but together I believe we are figuring them out. My prayers are with you so happy you syrinx is shrinking. Your sound so similar to mine I had the decompression in 2009 in 2011 pain increased by 2013 had to have another surgery had arachnoid cyst plus tethering of the spinal cord. Now my cord is back tethered and my NS is unable to do anything more for me or I may not walk again. Tough choices we have God Bless 

Commented 8 years ago Kris 13

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