Story about Takayasus Arteritis .

A Takayasus Arteritis story

Mar 29, 2017

I was diagnosed with Takayasu Arteritis during my freshman year of high school. I always seemed to be sick even from a young age, cold or flu like symptoms but they worsened as I got older. As I got into high school I was constantly in pain, which I associated with sports. The diagnosis was pin pointed about one year after I had a TIA. It was found on accident during an MRI of my abdomen. Since 2012 I have had narrowing of the abdominal area, my left arm, 2 carotid arteries, and in the heart. In 2016 I suffered from a heart attack at the age of 18, since then I have two stents placed in my heart and have recovered rather quickly. I see multiple different doctors and the University of Michigan Hospital bi-monthly. With the medications I have been placed on I am happy to say "flare-ups" don't happen as often and I have been feeling much better. 

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