Question - Tetralogy Of Fallot


When will i start getting taller?

Asked 1 year ago Evan H 606

My name is Evan, I'm 13 years old and I'm 4'8. I read that TOF affects growth so I'm wondering when I will get taller or how tall I will be. My male relatives are generally tall, for example, my grandpa is 6'3-6'4 so I'm wondering if that has any effect on my height too. 

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Hi Evan, I understand your question and I'm sure you are concerned. Unfortunately I am not fully knowledgable on the science of your question, but since you are a male, I am sure you haven't really hit your growth spurt as of yet! Most young males don't grow to their full height until they are between 14 to 17 yrs of age. Yes having TOF and medical intervention, it does play a part on your body from the trauma of surgeries. Given that your male ancestors are of a good height I'm sure you will be at least average, maybe finishing off close to or between 5'6" to 5'8". That is just an uneducated guess. I am a 69 yr old TOF/2OHS/PVR female survivor, who finished off at 5' even. But that's OK for good things come in small packages!! Be patient for you will be what you will be! It's what's inside not the size of the package that counts!! Be proud of being a survivor/warrior!!!  

Answered 1 year ago Dianne 11
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