A Transverse myelitis interview .

Sven's interview

How did all start?

In April 2018. An incomplete spinal cord injury T6-T10 in a matter of hours.

Do you already have a diagnosis? How long did it take you to get it?

They still don't know where it comes from. Just that I have been paralyzed by an infection on T5 / 6 to T10

For what medical specialties have you been treated? What has been the most useful specialty for your?

Apart from my months of rehabilitation and the day itself a high dose of Cortisone (1g), nothing special has been done.

What has been the most useful thing for you so far?

I only have disadvantages so far. The only positive is that it could have been worse ..

What have been your biggest difficulties?

Enormous nerve pains over my feet, legs and abdomen / back. Learning to walk back was very difficult so far. I can happily walk without crutches. But balance, pedaling and running remains a problem.

How has your social and family environment reacted? Have your social or family relationships changed?

I just got it when my girlfriend was 2 months pregnant. We also have a 3 year old daughter. Pretty tough yes ...

What things have you stopped doing?

Running, being brash happy, skiing, ....

What do you think about the future?

Try to think less, take day by day and have less stress (which is still not very successful) :-)

Finally, what advice would you give to a person in a similar situation?

Head up and forward. Always compare yourself to people who have it even harder. You only have one life.

Oct 17, 2019

By: Sven

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