My journey

Dec 2, 2

By: Kellie

Along with TN (also called TN1),.  I also  have ATN (also callen TN2). TN causes bursts of electric like shocks & other sponataneous bursts of pain. They can last 15 seconds to 2 minutes or more, with as many as 100 episodes a day. It is possible to be in remiision, but it is a progressive disease ATN is a constant pain in the involved part of the face.. I have had unsuccessful brain surgery twice, in 2006 & 2012 called micro vascular decompression.. Nerves involved in my situation are the 5th, 7th & 9th, all padded with teflon during surgery. The nerve can have a vein or artery rubbing against the mylan sheath covering the nerve leaving the nerve unprotected causing the brain to recognize the nerve to misfire turning a sensation into a pain signal. Veins can be removed, arteries cannot. Veins can also find a new path to the nerve.Triggers can be eating, brushing teeth, washing face, stress, barometric pressure changes, heat, wind, cold weather or nothing at all. Also known as The Suicide Disease", Tic Delourox and Fodor's disease.It can affect one side of the face or bilaterally. First treatment is usually with anticonvalsants, that can have severe side effects. TN & ATN can be caused by an injury or the cause  may be unknown. 7th & 9th nerves are different afflictions. The trigeminal nerve has 3 branches, all causing different symptoms. Common symptoms also include spasms & swelling. Although the disease is typically considered to affect those over 50 years old, it can strike children as well.In addition to durgery, there are other treatments including stimulators, nerve blocks gamma knife, balloon compression, Rhizotomy  as well as complimentary treatments such as bio-feedbac, accupuncture & accupressure. There are many others as well. There is a great book dealing with facial pain disorders "Striking Back". A cure is being desperateyl searched for. There are many other facial pain disorders: ON (Occipital Neuralgia), GN (Genarticular Neuralgia) GN (Genarticular Neuralgia) & others. These can be present along with TN & ATN or by themselves.

PLEASE CONSIDER DONATING TO THE TNA (Trigeminal Neuralgia Association) so a cure can be found to these terrible afflictions!!! 


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