Story about Truncus Arteriosus .

My son Jacob

May 21, 2017

By: Merri

APRIL 27TH 2017 my son jacob was born in mitchell sd. Within hours of his birth he was flown to sioux falls sd after discovering his heart condition. The very next day he was flown to Omaha children's hospital, in route to the hospital his intestines ruptured and had emergency surgery upon his arrival to the hospital. They were able to save his life, they removed 2/3 of his large intestine and it resulted in a temporary ostomy. At 5 days old they preformed OHS to repair his VSD and heart valve. He spent 20 days in the hospital, at 3 months old he underwent surgery to reverse his colostomy. He is now 1 year old and doing well. He goes in next month for another echo to determine how his repairs are doing and will continue to get echos every 6months. We hope he is years away from his next OHS but only time will tell. I'm very lucky to have him a a my son and feel blessed every day.

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