Story about Ulcerative colitis .

A Ulcerative colitis story

Nov 12, 2015

One year after beginning my marriage I thought my ulcerative colitis diagnosis would be tough, but manageable.  Along came our daughter in 2008.  She was perfect and I was tired.  Little did I know my new family and I were in for the ride of our lives.  They diagnosed me with Crohn's in 2012.  

After I stopped breastfeeding my child the Crohn's kicked in with a vengeance.   Bloody bowel movements, aches and pains coupled with extreme fatigue.   I went on the SCD diet and was almost normal with in 3 months. This hiatus abruptly ended when my gallbladder was removed.

Continuing to tweek my diet and exercise routine, I worked with GI's, homeopaths, chiropracters and massage therapists.  We watched in horror as my condition worsened.  Things that worked before proved fruitless.  Everyday it seemed harder to breath.  Finally we discovered severe anemia and periodic iron infusions were added to my regime after I was rushed to the hospital for a whole blood transfusion.  After that I added an oncologist to my team.

I have slowly worked myself up to a place where I no longer sleep most of the day and have the energy to take care of my family.  I live with a huge list of food allergies, impromptu stints of bloody diarriah and fatigue.  I work out and keep as active as I can.  I know when I give into the fatigue for too long, it is harder to get back into the mix.  Armed with an arsenal of ice packs, heating pads, teas and bath salts I get through my day. I refuse to give up my life and family for this disease.

I found that by eating a diet and taking homeopathic remedies that inhibit the growth of bacteria and candida I am better able to stay my course.  Removing my amalgam fillings has greatly decreased the bleeding, but not enough.  This is why I know in my heart of hearts that a pathogen is at the root of this disease.  

I am grateful that I am where I am in my fight and live everyday with the fear of creeping backward.  But that fear does not stop me.   I am well aware that there are people suffering much more than I do.   

We need to raise money for the Crohn's Map Vaccine so no one will suffer.  We need to do it to potentially help all autoimmune disease sufferers.  No one should have to suffer.

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