Story about Vasculitis .

Jades Journey

Dec 30, 2015

By: Jolene

My Daughter Jade was 10yrs old when she was diagnosed with CNS Large Cell Vasculitis. 

Jade was swimming in the pool after school & had a stroke. We did not know this at the time so we thought she had hit her head on the bottom of the pool & was drowning. She was taken by ambulance to the hostpital, Jade woke a coule hours later paralized down the left side of her body. The hospital had no idea what had happen to her until she Stoked a second time. A few days later she was diagnosed with CNS Vasculitis. With in ten days of being in hospital Jade suffered a third stroke & was dying. She could not be moved to the Royal Childrens who does Chemo as she was to critical. So she was the first child to receive Chemo at the Mater Childrens in Brisbane. Jade could not eat, talk, sit up or walk, it took us three months of living in the hospital before she was able to relearn some of those things and get her home. She is now paralised down the left side of her body. Jade has weekly Chemo & daily therapy. 

This disease has changed all of our lifes.

Jade is a Miricle & we are blessed. She turns 13 next week :)

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