Story about Vitiligo .

It started at 24

Jun 3, 2016

I was 24 when I discovered my first spot. It was on my pointer finger of my left hand. A few weeks later after spending time swimming in the pool I got out to discover a bunch of new spots all over both of my hands. It freaked me out because I had no idea what it was. I went to the doctor that week and he told me it was vitiligo. He also said, rather rudely, there was nothing he could do. No treatments, no hope.....just nothing. I left still not knowing much. I decided I was going to research it for myself. I found out about certain treatments and topical creams and even makeup. I decided those things weren't for me. I decided that I was going to live with it. Fast forward to today and I'm still doing fine. I'm adjusted and used to it. Kids here and there will ask me what it is and I will tell them but it's nothing that any body treats me any differently. I use tons of sunscreen and try to keep my head up. I try to raise awareness so more people know what Vitiligo is and I just do my part to be active about educating people. 

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