A little about me

May 5, 2018

By: Eddie

On July 27, 2010 I experienced a massive headache. I thought it was just another of my migraines but nothing I took provided any relief. After a few hours I became dizzy, nauseated, lost all coordination in my legs, my left foot wouldn't function (it was like a horse pawing at the ground and my heart went into atrial fibrillation. My husband had to literally carry me to the car to take me to the nearest ER. When I presented all my symptoms had intensified. Because I was in a fun, I was started on a heparin drip. Once I got to a regular room, I was seen by the hospitalist who ordered a CT and MRI. I was diagnosed with labyrinthitis. I realized that I had no sensation of temperature of temperature or superficial pain. I asked several times to see a neurologist but I was refused every time. I also asked to be transferred to another hospital. Again denied. I finally was discharged after eight days. The next day I saw my primary doctor who wanted me to see a neurologist. Then the following day I saw one of the best ENTs in the SE US. He sent me to a larger hospital where they were waiting for me. Another 11 went by before I was correctly diagnosed. After nearly 8 years I'm finally able to work from home and started driving again in 2015. While many of my symptoms have abated, I still struggle with occasional balance problems and severe sciatic nerve pain, along with a few other fairly insignificant residuals.

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