Story about West Nile Virus .


Apr 21, 2016

I contracted West Nile Encephalitis at 35. A few mosquito bites at a Willie Nelson Concert in Austin in August 2012. I was a teacher teaching Biology and Medical Microbiology. I was unable to continue teaching although I tried for two years afterwards to teach. The cognitive and memory damage was too much. Ever since WNE I have had severe headaches, memory loss, cognitive problems and severe fatigue  

The West Nile infection triggered Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP) which is an autoimmune disease affecting peripheral nerves causing muscle weakness and is the chronic form of Guillian Barre Syndrome. CIDP had now left me completely unable to work. its been devastating for my family. From healthy at 35 to completely disabled from one mosquito bite.

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