Question - Williams Syndrome


Looking to understand more about Williams syndrome and possible treatment options.

Asked 3 years ago Sui 450

I am looking to understand more about Williams syndrome. Someone can help me?

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Williams-Beuren syndrome is a genetic condition that presents with a characteristic face. Health conditions associated with this developmental disorder include heart defects and especially supravalvular aortic stenosis. Mild to moderate intellectual disability or learning problems and often unique personality traits characterize this condition. Patients often have a typical face for this syndrome, which includes a wide mouth, prominent lips, and a small nose. The disorder is rare and occurs in approximately 1 in 10,000 people. You can learn more here,

Answered 3 years ago Rand 30
Williams Syndrome symptoms

Which are the symptoms of Williams Syndrome?

ICD9 and ICD10 codes of Williams Syndrome

ICD10 code of Williams Syndrome and ICD9 code

Living with Williams Syndrome

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History of Williams Syndrome

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Williams Syndrome treatments

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Latest progress of Williams Syndrome

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Natural treatment of Williams Syndrome

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Do I have Williams Syndrome?

How do I know if I have Williams Syndrome?