Acanthamoeba Keratitis changed my life

Apr 19, 2018

By: Juliette

Year Condition Began: 2017

End of February 2017 my #contactlenses on my right eye started bothering, so I took it out and as I was not home I washed it with #water and put it back on my eye ... then in less than 24 hours my life changed ... the pain started to increase, the eye was crying all the time and light was bothering ... so I went to the DOCTOR who immediately sent me to the EYE DOCTOR @ HOSPITAL ... because I wear contact lenses they assumed was a bacteria ... 3 days later I went to the EMERGENCY EYE DOCTOR as the pain was getting worse and worse ... they gave me another medicine and covered my eye, told me to come the next day ...

2 weeks later they confirmed with a #confocalscanner that I had #AcanthamoebaKeratitis(AK)  a parasite that is in the water and gets in your eye via contact lenses if they come in contact with.

I started the aggressive treatment every hour 24/7 for 3 days .. it was crazy, the pain got worse and worse ... they were times that I wanted to pull out my eye due to the pain, no pain killers were working ...

4 weeks since the attack began, I ended having an emergency #corneatransplant to try to stop me from going blind and even losing my eye ... it worked! I am so grateful to the doctors, their staff, the support group in facebook I found and last but not least the donor and his family.

Acanthamoeba Keratitis - Worldwide Group
Acanthamoebe Nederland Belgie

IMPORTANT: No matter where you live, how old you are or what kind of contact lenses you wear, AK can get in your eye! so please don't assume it can't be you.


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