Story about Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome .

A1N1 Flue, Pnemonia, Strap Throut and then Septis and ARDS all at one time!

May 23, 2017

By: Lyda

I woke up at 4am in the moning on Dec. 28, 2013 and i could barely breath.  I told my husband i needed help.  He took me to the local hospital, there they made me wait several hours before i was seen.  At that point i was in real trouble.  They thought i had an infection in my lungs and admitted me into the hospital.  My husband went home to get me some things that i needed.  By the time he got back i was crashing.  They were trying to put a tube down me and i was fighting them.  The docter told my husband that if the tube didn't get in me ASAP i would die!  So my husband came into my room and managed to get my attention and i allowed them to insert the tube.  He then was outside the room when they informed him they were moving me to a bigger hospital, over in Popular Bluff, MO.  When they came around the corner with me my husband Michael, told me that for all intense and purposes i was dead!  He is retired military and has seen dead people before.  It shocked him so badly he almost went into PTSD which he has.  He followed the ambulance to the Bluff and there, the Pulmary Docter observed me the rest of the nite hooked up to all these machines.  He at daybreak informed my husband Mike that i needed to be transfered to St Louis to Barns Jewesh hospital if i had any chance of making it at all.  they were going to fly me up there but the weather would not allow it, so i went by ambulance.  Michael again followed.  So did my sister and brother in law.  When i got to St. Louis i was imediately put on Life support and everything else necessary to keep me alive.  I came down with Septis,  I had a stroke from my BP going up above 400/300, my kidneys failed for several days and finally my lungs begain bleeding out.  I was dieing again!  Michael had been thro hell, making decissions that affected wheather i lived or died.  after being on life support for 39 days, and my lungs where bleeding out this one doc, came to mike to tell him there was nothing left they had not tried.  to call in the family.  Then all of a sudden he said lets try to thicken her blood.  It could kill her but at this point it's the only chance she has.  So they did that and by the grace of God, it worked and my BP stayed down.  My lung xray came out perfect and i was in good condition for the first time sense i had been there.  They had me on meds to keep me in a coma and block me from remembering anything about what had happened to me.  But my memory loss goes back farther than that, it went back to my leaving my home.  But they took me off life support, knowing i could have a set back but i didn't thank God.  Now was a time i was still really bad shape,  my muscel mass was gone i could not walk, could not feed myself, but i was able to talk.  I spent another 2 weeks in crittal care unit and then was transferred to a step down where they stared working my legs and trying to get me up and moving.  man that was tough!!!  learning to walk again,  learning to feed myself everything.  i spent about 4 weeks there and was then sent to a rehab for 5 weeks.  however i went to 3 other rehabs after i was released from the first one.  gaining back my strength.  this was the most unexpected thing i've ever had happen to me in my life.  i've always been a healthy person.  It hit me out of nowhere and almost took my life.  I thank God and the team of docters and my husband and sister for all there support.

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So glad that you survived also <3

Commented 7 years ago LuAnn 171

Thank you, it was alot more tramatic than i even described.  i had hallucanations 3 different times and at times i was aware in my mind that something was wrong.  i had no body i couldn't move, all i could do was think!  no one understands what it does to a person when they go thro this type of ordeal.  It changes you as a person.

Commented 7 years ago Lyda 2442

HeY lyda, i am Melainia...i contracted Sars from China and eneded up afterwards being hispitalized and comatosed intravanelously as well four x on life support I've r the last 11 years... I am just recently CURED and also of hospital acquired MRSA, and am off all meds. I, too, am a testimony, thank the Lord!!! Y email is [email protected] if you'd ever like to talk...I can hook you up with specialists in a 501c research great via John Hopkins U. For absolutely no money or costs, if you need it....I good you are well... Thank you for signing up, you are the only person closest to me at 38024 (. I, also, am blessed with one if those rare amazing husbands... A retired PD officer. I am 45. He is 55. Would love to chat sometime...I have been able to recovered my memories., Have great health now,. And am loving life with no mental , physical, or emotional issues...and it all happened within the first week and I never had to leave my house or spend a dime..I hope you can find the path to do the same. Much love and well wishes....-mel b.

Commented 6 years ago Melainia 10

Hi Melainia, it's so nice to meet you! Praise God you made it thro!! My email is [email protected]. I would love to chat with someone that has been thro a terrible experience as we have. I would be interested in research at John Hopkins! I tried on the ARDS site but was never able to get into one. I'm on a lot of medications due to what happened to me. Don't think i'll ever get off them. I still have sever anxiety attacks and sometimes they are so bad that my kidneys release and I wet my pants. And the worse part is I have no control over it! Sorry it took me so long to respond to your message.....Lyda

Commented 6 years ago Lyda 2442

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