Story about Adult-onset Stills Disease , Anemia, Fibromyalgia, Interstitial Cystitis.


Sep 29, 2019

By: Jenifer E

Year Condition Began: 2004

I was diagnosed after a cold turned into pleurisy, and the pleurisy came with daily fevers. Soon after, I had joint pain in my knees, shoulders, and hands. I quickly lost the ability to do anything on my own. I couldn't walk without support, I couldn't shower or wash my hair by myself, I couldn't even hold a spoon. I was in and out of the hospital. I saw a rheumatology that didn't help me. I was dismissed from her practice for refusing to take strong pain medication. I wanted an answer, a diagnosis, not pain medication - and she was not giving me a diagnosis or even trying to do so. I saw a new rheumatologist, along with several other specialists, and he diagnosed me with AOSD. I started treatment right away, and was slowly getting better. Each treatment seemed to only work for a little while before it stopped working completely. I had several issues during this time, including chronic pleurisy, fluid around my heart, stress fractures, kidney and bladder issues, bone infections, skin infections, and always severe joint and muscle pain. This rheumatologist referred me to another in his practice that has just joined and specialized in rare diseases. At this point, I was put on a combination of orencia, arava, and plaquenil. This seems to have worked the longest for me, as I am going on about 4 years on this treatment, and im doing okay. Through this time, I have gone to college, I now work full time at an amazing company, I got married, and we are now trying to have a child. I have tried not to let my disease limit me in any way as much as I am able to.

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