Story about Hereditary Angioedema .

Living and work with HAE

Nov 29, 2015

I am a frequent HAE sufferer with an attack almost every 3rd-5th day. I am so greatful to have Firazyr and is a great post treatment. It relieves my symptoms rather fast, but it's likely to return within the next day or two some times. But I can go on living and working everyday knowing I can safely get through the day. 


It's been a real hassle trying to educate my employer about what I go through and they simply do not understand the seriousness it has. I had to take a step back from being a Full Time over the road Tour Coch Driver, taking me all over the US and Canada. 

But my employer decided to release me from my duties unexpectedly. So it will be a hard Holiday for me to recover from this change. 

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