Question - Anosmia


Questions about Anosmia

Asked 6 years ago JonA 50

To those who have Anosmia, I was wondering if you could answer a few questions about your experiences with it!

1. When were you diagnosed with Anosmia?


2. What has your personal experience been like without a sense of smell? 


3. Have there been instances where you've used Anosmia to your advantage?


Thank you so much in advance!


1 answer | Know someone who can answer? Share the question and help to solve it

1. When were you diagnosed with Anosmia? I was diagnosed about 5 years ago.


2. What has your personal experience been like without a sense of smell? I’ve lost my sense of tasting flavors. I guess I’ve just adjusted and I try not to dwell on what is kissing  if I did, it would likely make me sad  but I choose to focus on positives in my life. I do worry about things smelling bad (or: my office, my car, etc). 


3. Have there been instances where you've used Anosmia to your advantage? Not sure how i could use anosmia to my advantage. Are there advantages? 


Answered 6 years ago Valley1211 10
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