Story about Antiphospholipid / Hughes Syndrome .

Diagnosed in 1992 at age 28

Dec 24, 2015

By: Melanie

I miscarried 3 times before my doctor decided to see why my babies were dying inside of me. The third pregnancy lasted 20 weeks. It was the baby girl I longed for and I was devastated. I was diagnosed in 1992 but we waited 6 years to try again. I was put on baby aspirin every day and once I had my fourth positive pregnancy test, I was put on heparin injections twice a day. I had to go to the doctor every week and have many ultrasounds and stress tests on the baby. I was 34 when I was induced 2 weeks early and my beautiful baby girl arrived 12 hours after my labor started. She was perfect! Over the next several years I lost at least 6 more babies. For some reason they just would not grow so I have only one. She is 16 1/2 now. I got pregnant at 42 and miscarried. I later found out that baby had 2 genetic conditions (it was also a girl). I went into menopause shortly after that pregnancy. It was hard knowing that I would only have one child so I went through an emotional time with menopausing so young. I'm 50 now and have accepted that there will be no more babies and that I will always have only one child.

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