Story about Aortic Dissection .

B dissection

Jan 7, 2016

By: Anne

My name is Marie and I was a very busy 56 year old working upto 42 hours per week caring for others. I have a back ground of high blood pressure for around 20 years and although I always took my medication I didn’t always keep my checks ups (stupid I know) due to fear of knowing what my blood pressure was. I wish I had now.

On Wednesday 31st October 2012 I woke up at 7am to get ready for work then ten minutes later while still in bed I had sudden severe pain in my lower abdomen at the front, within minutes it went round the back the upwards to my chest. I knew it seemed serious but thought I would try painkillers and indigestion remedies first, after an hour I got myself to the hospital and explained what was happening. I was immediately taken through to a&e and checked for heart problems but nothing was found.

I have never been in as much pain, nothing they gave me stopped it and I couldn’t keep still. After xrays, blood tests and different pain relief I was eventually sent for a ct scan more than 6 hour’s after arriving at hospital. I had moved to the assessment ward by this stage where a sister in charge and a training specialist came to me and pulled the curtains round the bed. They told me I had a descending aortic dissection and it was serious, I knew quite a lot about the body and knew immediately what I had, I was alone and scarred as I had sent my family home to return later at visiting time. My daughter was pregnant with her first child and I hadn’t told her I was in hospital- how could I tell her. I rang a good friend to come immediately and explained I couldn’t tell my family but knew I had to.

At visiting I told my husband and mum and was taken on to coronary care unit, I was put complete bed rest with oxygen, monitors, catheter, drip and various other things and was told it could mean an operation. I could hear them on the phone all through the night talking to other hospitals about me and putting them on standby. The hospital I was in didn’t see many people with an aortic dissection. I survived the night and was told the first 72 hours were critical. I knew I had to try and keep calm due to my blood pressure going up, I survived the critical time limit and was given morphine all the time I was in but it was never enough to get rid of the pain.

After 16 days in hospital I went home with lots and lots of medication and I was petrified of dying, the amount of fear is unbearable and you feel so alone. I knew no one with the condition and knew of no backup on the Internet. I had the worst time over the next few months, couldn’t eat, sleep and lack of interest. I should have had a hospital appointment after six weeks but it turn into 16 weeks, I though I was losing the plot and went to the doctors for an increase in my antidepressants, he was very supportive. I cried and cried for months. Now I am going into my forth year and things have changed so much in my attitude towards my condition, yes I’ve got it but I need to live my life without fear and I do. I have found groups on Facebook with similar conditions and much much worse than myself. I consider myself lucky. Please try to let your fear go or it will eat you away

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Hi Marie

Wow our stories are very similar. 

My dissection was misdiagnosed after the birth of my 2nd child. And now 10 years later they found it while having an Mri for something else.

Mine is type b also and goes from an inch below my heart all the way down to right illiac artery where there is an aneurysm  (which is what they found on my mri..which is what prompted them to look higher up)  so no surgery has been suggested and lived in fear for quite some time. Now its a little  easier...but still scary. 


Commented 7 years ago Carolyn 10

Hi Carolyn 

It must be scarier when you have children relying on you but we can get through this with support from the medics, friends and family.

I am the same with an anurism in my left iliac although they didnt tell me for three years but the dr doing the scan mentioned it.

Are you in the AD groups on facebook they have been my saviour. 

Kind regards Marie 

Commented 7 years ago Anne 35

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