Story about Arteriovenous Malformation AVM , Arteriovenous Malformation AVM.

Miracles happen

Aug 9, 2017

By: Tina

When I was very young  I always complained of would take me to the dr....and he would tell her I was faking them.  At the age of nine I woke up with flu like was in denial anything bad was going on....she thought I just had the flu.  She had no idea I had no clue what was going on.  Just I kept getting  sick and screaming  out, but then would tell her I was fine.  The following  morning she woke up and found me sitting with my head bent backwards....she took me to the hospital  still in denial of the seriousness....the nurse took one look at me and scooped me up in her arms and rushed me to a room!!

After a lumbar puncture they found blood in the spinal fluid  in was sent to Rainbow babies and children's hospital.   I had two brain surgeries  then.....but couldn't get all of the avm.  At age 14 it was going to rupture again so I had another crainiotomy..  My parents had been told I wouldn't  live and if I did I'd be paralyzed, blind,or mentally retarted....I am none of the above.  GOD deserves  all the praise honor and glory!!

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