Can people with Asthma work? What kind of work can they perform?

See how people with experience in Asthma give their opinion about whether people with Asthma can work and what kind of jobs are more appropriated for people with Asthma

Asthma jobs

Can people with Asthma work? What kind of work can they perform?

Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition that affects the airways, causing inflammation and narrowing, which can lead to symptoms such as wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness. While asthma can be a challenging condition to manage, it does not necessarily prevent individuals from working. With proper management and accommodations, people with asthma can lead fulfilling professional lives.

It is important to note that the severity and frequency of asthma symptoms can vary greatly among individuals. Some people may experience mild symptoms that are easily controlled, while others may have more severe symptoms that require ongoing medical treatment and monitoring. The impact of asthma on work will depend on the individual's specific condition and the nature of their job.

Workplace Accommodations for People with Asthma:

Employers have a legal obligation to provide reasonable accommodations for employees with disabilities, including those with asthma. These accommodations can help individuals manage their condition effectively while performing their job duties. Some common workplace accommodations for people with asthma include:

  • Ensuring good indoor air quality by maintaining proper ventilation and air filtration systems.

  • Allowing for flexible work schedules or remote work options to reduce exposure to triggers in the environment.

  • Providing a designated clean area or workspace free from potential irritants or allergens.

  • Allowing for frequent breaks to rest and take medication if needed.

  • Implementing policies to reduce exposure to known triggers, such as strong odors, chemicals, or secondhand smoke.

  • Providing access to an emergency inhaler or other necessary medications on-site.

Types of Jobs Suitable for People with Asthma:

While people with asthma can work in a wide range of professions, certain jobs may be more suitable depending on the individual's condition and triggers. Here are some examples of jobs that may be well-suited for individuals with asthma:

  • Office-based jobs: Working in an office environment with good indoor air quality and minimal exposure to triggers can be suitable for individuals with asthma. Jobs such as administrative roles, customer service, data entry, accounting, or project management can be considered.

  • Healthcare: Despite asthma, individuals can work in healthcare professions, such as medical billing, medical coding, medical transcription, or healthcare administration. These roles often involve minimal exposure to triggers and can be performed in controlled environments.

  • Education: Teaching or working in educational institutions can be a viable option for individuals with asthma. While there may be occasional exposure to triggers, such as chalk dust or allergens, proper management and accommodations can be put in place to minimize risks.

  • Technology and IT: Many technology-related jobs can be performed in controlled environments, such as software development, web design, IT support, or data analysis. These roles often involve minimal exposure to triggers and can offer flexibility in terms of work arrangements.

  • Writing and creative professions: Jobs that involve writing, graphic design, illustration, or other creative fields can be suitable for individuals with asthma. These roles often allow for flexible work arrangements and can be performed in environments with minimal triggers.

It is important for individuals with asthma to assess their own condition, triggers, and limitations when considering potential job opportunities. Open communication with employers regarding their asthma and any necessary accommodations is crucial to ensure a safe and supportive work environment.


Asthma does not have to be a barrier to employment. With proper management, accommodations, and awareness of triggers, individuals with asthma can pursue a wide range of careers. It is essential for employers and colleagues to be understanding and supportive, creating an inclusive work environment that allows individuals with asthma to thrive professionally.

3 answers
Yes you can resume usual work and remain in the field of work your in!

Posted Mar 9, 2017 by Tim Timmy 2575
You can work in any field, do anything with your Doctor's approval. You need to be aware and stay on top of your meds. Use your inhaler.

Posted Nov 9, 2017 by Shellie 1850

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