Story about Bartter's Syndrome .

New to Bartter Syndrome

May 22, 2017

I had excessive amniotic fluid in my pregnnacy. At 28 weeks I measured 52 weeks pregnant. I was admitted to the hospital at 27 weeks and my water broke at 28 weeks. Our little girl was born weighing 2.8 pounds. 

Throughout her 90 day stay in the NICU her electrolytes were always off and her left kidney was "acutely injured". The Dr's figured it was all due to prematurity and it would work itself out.... 3 months after being home (hard/stressful three months home) we were admitted to the ER with her because a blood test came back critical. Her electrolytes were very off. 

After a long 10 day stay and man many tests - they are confident in a diagnosis for Bartter Syndrome. 

She is on potassium, indomethacin, and reflux medicines. 

It is a constant balancing act.

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