Story about Borderline personality disorder (BPD) , Anxiety, Degenerative Disc Disease, Depression, Fibromyalgia, Hiatus Hernia.


Sep 14, 2018

Year Condition Began: 1993

My signs began showing as a teenager. The impulsivity, risky behavior, drug use. I didn't care for consequences even though they have affected me now as an adult. I was first diagnosed with Bipolar and treated for that. I went many years trying different combinations of medications to ease my depression and unstable moods. Not many worked. I was 'labeled' treatment-resistant. I did my own research, also having studied Psychology, and realized all my symptoms are BPD related. BPD cannot be cured but the symptoms can be addressed. There is a higher risk of suicide with those living with BPD and it affects more women than men. I've experienced it all. The hopelessness, worthlessness, not feeling worthy enough to be alive... But I'm a fighter! I'm here for my children because I need them and they need their mother ❤️

Fact: BPD is also referred to as EUPD (Emotionally unstable personality disorder).

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