Budd Chiari Syndrome and Factor V Leiden

May 26, 2017

By: Jade

I was diagnosed 3 years ago with BCS and Factor V Leiden.. I am now 21 years old. I am from County Durham, North East England.


On 18th January 2014 I was rushed into hospital with servere pain in my upper right hand side of my stomach and after 2 weeks as a patient I was discharged with antibiotics and a leaflet for IBS. I knew something wasn't right because the pain was still there. It wasn't until 5th November I visited my doctors surgery with servere pains again but this time my full body was exhausted and I had a yellow tint in my eyes my friend had to carry me into the room as I was nearly passed out. 


They rushed me straight to hospital where here I had multiple scans and X-rays and I got a liver biopsy through the side of my stomach and it came back that I had BCS and Factor V Leiden. The doctors then came to my hospital bed and explained everything to me and that I needed operating on straight away. I had the TIPS surgery and then I was in and out of hospital for 2 years. By then I was used to hospital stays and the operations to clean my stents when they were blocked. 


Last September I travelled abroad with a friend and my legs had tripled in size. I came back and went to work the next day and my boss noticed my legs and had taken me to my local A and E where I was rushed to hospital and put on a drip. I was rushed straight into surgery because the swollen legs was blood and I was vomiting blood clots and they soon found out my main artery from my liver to my heart had burst. Whilst I was in surgery there was complications and unfortunately they couldn't continue with the operation. I was being out of the room and out into a induced coma for 3 days. I was then strong enough to go back into surgery and when I returned I was put back into a coma and 1 day later I woke from it and my doctor came to ICU and told me everything that they had to stitch my artery together and place a plastic tube in and bypass the blood through smaller veins as it wasn't strong enough for large amounts to pass through. 


Last month I returned back to my consultant and they had told me I had septicaemia since September last year and I was a miracle to still be alive. I was admitted for 2 weeks on IV drop Flucoxillin I am now on antibiotics for a few months until I go back for my check up in September. They have also told me that if I get any more infections or blockages in the new plastic tube it will then take over my organs and it will not be good news. I am not on my usual medication due to antibiotics but they have placed me on Tinzaparin injections until September to keep my blood levels right. 


Now im taking each day as it comes and praying to god that I live a normal life. 


Thank you for taking the time to read read my story x

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