Story about Carotid Artery Dissection .

A Carotid Artery Dissection story

Feb 12, 2016

uly 2005 I woke up thinking aI had a cold but went to work anyway.while at work I lost my peripheral vision got home called doc wad told to take adperin and get to the hospital. Found out later on jat the cold I thought I had was pneumonia my acute coughing wssbpresumef to have been the cause of myCAD. My right carotid un fortunately I had waited too long I lost most movmrnt on my left side. It had been 10+ yrs now ,I have regsined about 80% back I walk,I talk but still have eekness in my left side and my high end motor skills ,I use as a musician are still lacking. I also have stopped driving mybteaction time is not good and zI still have left. Side neglect. My biggest bdoenfall is discouragement. When trying to do the things I use to do.

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