Question - Celiac Disease


How can I know I am a celiac?

Asked 7 years ago Katherine 9

Hello everyone, i have been suffering some digestive disorders and my doctor suggested that could be celiac disease so i will start some tests... can any one indicate usual symptoms? thanks in advance to all for your support

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All symptoms are different for everyone. But ususal symptoms are weight loss, constant bloading, skin rashes. 

Answered 7 years ago Arthur 10

I usually get severe stomach cramps and bloatedness coupled with diarrhoea and vomiting if I come in to contact with anything containing wheat, barley or Rye.  I was misdiagnosed with I. B. S for 15years before they realised it was coeliac disease... They finally did some tests and I'm now on a gluten free diet for ever... I have not gained or lost any weight all the way through this!  Best of luck to you x

Answered 7 years ago Katy 10

Hi Katherine,


Unfortunately Celiac's doesn't always show the same symptoms for everyone and can manifest differently. As an adult it is less likely but not impossible that you have digestive symptomps like diarrhea or foul smelling stool, cramps, constipation, etc...  Celiacs at an adult level (due to prolonged exposure to gluten already) you probably will see vitamin deficiency, or other non-digestive symptoms. It also depends on the level of Celiacs you have... 

Answered 7 years ago Valentin 36

It's called the diseases with the 1000 symptoms as symptoms differ among people. Therefore, relying on symptoms is not the way to diagnose celiac. Rather, there's a blood test. So you go ahead and do the blood tests. Depending on the results, and only if blood results indicate a suspicion that you have celiac, you go on to do a biopsy. So just go ahead and do the blood tests, its not a big deal. 


Answered 7 years ago Ayelet Berman 10

There are so many different symptoms, that it's an impossible question to answer effectively. Some people don't even know they have celiacs until they are tested by a GP for something totally unrelated! Personally, I had severe bloating, nausea, and was always tired with zero energy for months, then I started to experience awful sickness and diarrhoea. I went to my GP and he ordered a blood test, after the blood test he said it was most likely celiacs but couldn't be sure. I was told to stay on a wheat-filled diet until I went for an Endoscopy; a tube and camera down my throat to my intestines so they could take a biopsy. After the results of that came back, and there wasn't a shadow of a doubt, I was able to eat gluten free and assigned a Dietitian and other medical care. 

Definitely go to your GP and ask for a blood test to test for celiacs, then you can go from there. Even if it comes back negative, ask for the endoscopy. 


Hope that helps!! Stay healthy!

Answered 7 years ago StaceyWotherspoon 20
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