Story about Central Pain Syndrome .

How my CPS began

Sep 4, 2017

By: Rhonda

Year Condition Began: 2014

I had a cerebral hemorrhage and stroke which caused central pain to set up in my left side of my body. I started hurting about two months after the stroke when feeling started coming back and it was replaced by pain. it sounds crazy to say my pain isn't real it's all in my brain but thats how it is. It's a horrible pain that feels as if your skin is melting from the bone, then sometime it's ice cold like you have been put in a deep freeze. It burns and tingles and freezes and feels like electricity is connected to you and it's just miserable. I have cried for hours with no relief. Three years later and only a minimum amount of pain relief. I'm miserable a lot of the time but I don't bother trying to explain anymore. I just smile and say I'm fine when asked how I'm doing, It's much easier than explaining my condition over and over. No one understands anyway.

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