Question - Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / M.E.


Has Colloidal Gold helped you?

Asked 7 years ago GeorgiaS 88

Have you used Colloidal Gold and if so is it helping you at all?

22 answers | Know someone who can answer? Share the question and help to solve it

Hi there,


Thanks for contacting me.


I have not heard of it but will put the question out there.

Will be in touch.

Answered 7 years ago Chez 10

That's great Chez, thanks!

Answered 7 years ago GeorgiaS 88

Nope but colloidal silver gas helped many take control of parasites.. I use Apple cider vinegar daily and chlorine dioxide in my water ti sterilise it before drinking for my cats too. I also take coconut activated carbon with any dodgey foods I consume whilst out snd about.. You should watch this x ;)

Answered 7 years ago Dipak 10

Never tried, even if it'd be interesting for me to try colloidal silver .

Answered 7 years ago Fabio 92

Hi, I tried colloidal silver in two forms, but it did NOT help me after all, though I experienced some headaches at first, so there was a reaction. I don't know colloidal gold.

Answered 7 years ago Désirée Bruggema 10

I tried Colloidal Silver several years ago and didn't get any benefits, but then I didn't stick at it. Colloidal Gold works differently to Colloidal Silver, you could look it up.

Answered 7 years ago GeorgiaS 88

Not something I have tried, sorry.


Answered 7 years ago Jess 30

I have not tried it. I have tried silver. Nothing. 

Answered 7 years ago Jeanie Pochatko 10

Hi there to be honest I have heard of it but never used it as it is hard to obtain here in the UK so I know very little about it so cannot really give a comment , sorry about that 

Answered 7 years ago Eddie 10

Sorry, I have never even heard of it. I would love to know if it actually works and how to use it

Answered 7 years ago SarahLynn 30

I'm trying it out at the moment. I seem to be fine on 5ml but when I up the dose I get some sort of die off feeing so I leave it for several days then start again. It might be my body getting used to it and I read that it clears viruses out of cells so that might be why, although I don't know if that claim is true. I'm going to keep taking it because I've read such good things about it.

Answered 7 years ago GeorgiaS 88

I have not tried it, but will ask around. Hang in there :)

Answered 7 years ago David 10

I have not tried that, sorry.....

Answered 7 years ago Mona 10

Never tried

Answered 7 years ago Richard 10

I haven't tried it either (and am also in the UK) but I'll look it up now...

Warm wishes.

Answered 7 years ago Anna 10

Hello Georgia S,

I have tried Collidale Silver and it did not help.To me it was a waste of money.It did not help with Fatigue reduction,Nor did it help with any pain reduction or any other Symptoms.The only thing that has helped me only to a point is B-12 supplements,B-12 methylcobalamin Injections,Complex B,CoQ10,Multivitamins,Testosterone Shots,Amphetamins 20mil 3 times a day helps give you what you need to stay awake instead of falling a sleep while driving.I am also in pain management and take two different opiod pain medications


Answered 7 years ago David Downer 10

Thanks David, I'm curious, don't Amphetamines give you a lift and then make you plummet in energy, like the boom and bust cycle?

Answered 7 years ago GeorgiaS 88

My doc recommends colloidal silver, specifically the brands Argentyn 23 (preferable, but pricey) and Mesosilver (decent quality, less expensive) - as both these have greater numbers of parts per million per ml. and as well are in the eensiest nano-particles easily absorbed by the body's cells. Most colloidal silver made apparently isn't small enough to get through cell walls. The purpose of colloidal silver is to aid in reducing excess electrons, which cause cellular damage that is especially problematical in our brains. So, one doesn't necessarily feel better until it's been taken over a fairly lengthy period of time. (The effect is subtle. I am more likely to notice when I have NOT taken it for a day or two...)  

Colloidal silver prices very dramatically on the internet, so look around for sales, and - of course - the more you buy at one time, the less costly it is per ounce...  [It is also EXCELLENT for open wounds and bad burns. It's antiseptic, antiviral, and antifungal -- and doesn't sting at all when applied. You can also add it to liquid meds with short expiration dates to extend those dates almost indefinitely. Also to cut costs on meds that are more $$ than the silver itself! Doctor says up to 50-50 is okay.

I'm in absolute agreement on B-12 injections! I use hydroxycobalamin, 35ml 3x a day -- IM injections are best, top of the hip (to one side of the spine!) is painless for me. I also like Magnesium with Taurine SQ injections (1 eensy ml of each, Mg in the syringe first, then the taurine -- the taurine kills the sting of the magnesium.) Magnesium from creams, sprays, and Epsom Salts bath soaks are also good for muscle pain and "the shakes," if needles aren't your thing.

A warning about amphetamines (even though I really sympathize with the need to remain awake while driving!):  my doctor, a well-known ME specialist, cautions against our using them for ANY reason. Yes, in whatever form - Provigil, Nuvigil, Ritalin, Adderall, etc., they provide some hours of "kick," but can also provoke spectacular crashes that far outweigh the few hours of energy provided; and can cause long-term organ damage.  As well, a patient friend warned me off the Provigil that my PCP Rx'd early in my illness by relating the story of a friend of hers with ME who died suddenly of Provigil-induced heart failure. [She had taken it for a couple of days to get through her Christmas holiday preparations, and was found dead by her family upon their return from Christmas Eve services. So tragic, and scary... ]  Take care!

Answered 7 years ago Jennifer Bloomer 10

Hi GeorgiaS

I have never heard of it sorry. I take a 1000mg magnesium tablet before i go to bed at night which helps greatly with muscle spasms so I get a decent nights sleep. For other pain management I take 2 Osteo Panadol 3 times a day adding 2 Iboprofen with my night dose. For energy I eat a high protein diet keeping boiled eggs in my fridge for a quick fix during the day. I also take Supradyn which is high in the energy producing vitamins and mainly minerals but not after about 2pm as I use the afternoon to unwind and to take care of myself. I also drink a minimum of 1.5litres of water during the day and eat as much non processed food as I can. I have found over the 22 years I have had this illness that the more I listen to my body the better I am the next day. Plan your days and don't stress when you can't manage all the things you want to do. Just be the best you can be today. Take care of yourself first Georgia. Hope this helps.

Answered 7 years ago Trisha 20

Thanks Trisha, 

22 years is such a long time to have this disease. 10 years feels long for me. Thanks for all the good advice. I agree with just being the best I can today. I'm supposed to be making a stew but I don't have the energy today and I'm not going to feel bad about it. Perhaps tomorrow. :)

Answered 7 years ago GeorgiaS 88

chlorine dioxide is essentially bleach. It comes from MMS. It is not natural medicine but an alternative. Bleach is toxic to the body so be very very careful with it. I dabbled in it a little but unless MAYBE if you have malaria and a few other rare exotic microorganisms, i would say it is useless for most people with this disease.


Colloidal silver is good for food poisoning, antiseptic and many other things. it probably won't help much with this disease. Make sure it is high quality colloidal silver. The smaller the particle the better. i have some but i rarely use it.

Answered 7 years ago Darryl 83

I misread post. I thought it said colloidal silver. I tried Colloiudal gold about 25 years ago, It did nothing.

Answered 7 years ago Darryl 83
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