Can people with Chronic Granulomatous Disease work? What kind of work can they perform?

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Chronic Granulomatous Disease jobs

Can people with Chronic Granulomatous Disease work?

Chronic Granulomatous Disease (CGD) is a rare genetic disorder that affects the immune system's ability to fight off certain types of bacterial and fungal infections. It is caused by a mutation in one of the genes responsible for producing proteins essential for the immune system's defense mechanism.

While CGD can pose significant health challenges, it does not necessarily prevent individuals from working. The ability to work with CGD depends on various factors, including the severity of the disease, the individual's overall health, and the nature of the job.

Factors influencing work:

  1. Disease severity: CGD can range from mild to severe. Individuals with milder forms of the disease may experience fewer infections and have a better quality of life, allowing them to engage in a wider range of work activities. On the other hand, those with severe CGD may face more frequent infections and complications, which can limit their ability to work.

  2. Overall health: CGD can affect various organs and systems in the body. If an individual's overall health is compromised due to CGD-related complications, it may impact their ability to work. Regular medical check-ups and appropriate management of the disease can help maintain better health and increase work capacity.

  3. Job nature: The type of work an individual with CGD can perform depends on the level of physical exertion, exposure to infectious agents, and the availability of necessary accommodations. Jobs that involve close contact with large numbers of people or exposure to potentially harmful substances may not be suitable for individuals with CGD. However, many individuals with CGD can pursue careers in office settings, education, research, creative fields, and other occupations that do not pose significant health risks.

Work considerations for individuals with CGD:

  • Flexible work arrangements: Individuals with CGD may benefit from flexible work hours or remote work options, allowing them to manage their health needs effectively.

  • Healthcare support: Access to comprehensive healthcare, including regular check-ups, appropriate medications, and vaccinations, is crucial for individuals with CGD to maintain their health and continue working.

  • Workplace accommodations: Employers can provide reasonable accommodations to support individuals with CGD, such as ensuring a clean and hygienic work environment, providing access to hand sanitizers, allowing for frequent breaks, and implementing infection control measures.

  • Supportive work environment: A supportive and understanding work environment can make a significant difference for individuals with CGD. Colleagues and supervisors who are aware of the condition and its challenges can help create a more inclusive and accommodating workplace.


While Chronic Granulomatous Disease can present challenges, many individuals with CGD can lead fulfilling professional lives. The ability to work depends on the severity of the disease, overall health, and the nature of the job. With appropriate disease management, healthcare support, and workplace accommodations, individuals with CGD can find suitable employment opportunities and contribute to various fields.

5 answers
Absolutley! I'm working as a RN and am also specialist nurse heading towards my masters degree. My first 10 years I managed 100% employment and from 2013 i work 75%.

Posted May 23, 2017 by Lislisa 300
Yes can work
but not in farmers ir anythind related to soil

Posted May 23, 2017 by Yahya 300
I am a chaplain at my church as well as the children a director. I'm also a caregiver to my 3 year old grandson.

Posted Dec 14, 2017 by Janet Verdoorn 1550
yes they can work just not around dirt and have to be careful not to get burned or scratched, and shower or bathe regularly to keep the infections away.

Posted Dec 24, 2017 by carrie123 3550

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Stories of Chronic Granulomatous Disease

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It all started with a hole in my eardrum. I kept having bad headaches so I decided to fix the hole in my eardrum. I had the hole repaired and had a second surgery to remove a tumor that had developed. The tumor crushed my eardrum and I had to have a ...
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In March of 2015, one of my twin daughters(2.5yrs old) was in hospital with bacterial pneumonia for the second time. It wasnt improving every time they took her off IV antibiotics so they started doing tests. One of the tests was for CGD. The doctor ...
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Had a ultrasound and ctscan of my abdominal area and they found masses in my spleen and liver and so my Dr confirmed cgd and I'm slowly having them removed well the ones they can
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I don't know anything about this disease yet. Just that I have it.

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