Question - CRPS Complex Regional Pain Syndrome


Natural treatment for CRPS

Asked 8 years ago Patricia 13

Is anyone following some kind of natural treatment for CRPS? Is it working? Thanks!!

11 answers | Know someone who can answer? Share the question and help to solve it

I started researxhing this on 18th Nov 2009 and have come across no natural treatments that have proven effective

Answered 8 years ago Kevin Scardifield 160

I tried gluten free, it didnt help my RSD pain, but I did lose 10lbs. Doctors had me stop gluten free diet because I got under 100lbs. I do use music therapy, and aroma therapy to help me relax and meditate.

Answered 8 years ago Barby 15

I have done extensive research on CRPS and there remains no known cure for this disease as of this date. There are a couple clinical trials taking place of which two that I know of are showing some promising signs and these are for those who have CRPS-I. In regard to a 100% natural treatment the answer would be a no however I do understand that there are a number of sufferers in different support groups who claim to get varying levels of relief from essential oils and/or aromatherapy.

Answered 8 years ago David 70

I've tried it all. Acupuncture, Chinese Herbs, Calmare, Ketamine, massage, some homeopathic stem cell stuff, supplements, diets...  Nothing has helped more than a couple months if they helped at all. If you are having any problem with healing I would steer clear of acupuncture especially if your CRPS has a tendency to spread. There is no cure. But just because it didn't work for me doesn't mean it won't work for you.

Answered 8 years ago Amanda S 10

I use Epsom Salts diluted in warm water and I either soak in the tub or use compresses when I am in a flare to help with my pain. It is also sold in a lotion. Magnesium that is in the salts has been proven to provide relief. Many people use meditation and yoga too. I read keep my mind off of my pain. I was diagnosed 12 years ago. I do know of people that are using therapeutic oils and are getting relief from them and also watching their diet being very careful to stay away from  processed foods.  There are support groups on Facebook where people discuss this often.


Answered 8 years ago Fran Baisden 25

I have tried pretty much everything. Some use hyperbaric oxygen. Chiropractic helped me a bit.   For me keeping my body moving I'd the best natural t therapy .  Make sure the program is ok with your doctor physical therapy is a good way to get started,,










Answered 8 years ago Sue 10

There is not one single answer that can be given for questions re CRPS... Essential oils may help some, different diets help some, acupuncture, guided meditation etc -- there are any number of various "natural" remedies that do help some. There is no known cause for this disease process and no cure. Everyone (I'm betting) of us (many of us for years and years) have tried something another one has tried that worked wonders for that person - only to be disappointed that we don't have the same result. Does that mean we shouldn't bother trying that treatment? No. But it does mean that we need to be vigilant in researching. And don't think because there's a link to a "report" or "study" that it is honest truth! Many drs and lawyers do that. 

Answered 8 years ago Dianne 22

I went to my doctor &  nutrionist and had my blood work done and we created a died and I am on vitamins and minerals that my body is lacking.  My pain levels have improved but this unfortunately doesn't work for all.  I also cut out processed foods and gluten foods.  


I hope you find something that works for you as each of us are different, different symptoms but we all have RSD/CRPS.  I would try everything you can to find something to help you with pain, Our illness is a needle in a haystack and just have to keep on tryin till you  find something that works.

Answered 8 years ago Claudia 10

Hello Patricia, 


We here at Weeping Angels RSD Foundation recommend a product call Kinesio Tape. It is a great natural treatment that a few people have recommended. We also recommended a lot of heat therapy, heating pads. Whatever you do dont use cold, it will spread it faster. If you need assistance or have questions feel free to contact us anytime via Facebook.

Thank you and have a pain free day,



Answered 8 years ago Weeping Angels RSD Foundation 20

Nothing that i have heard of has helped with this condition. sorry

Answered 8 years ago maree 10

I think exercising in heated pool will be beneficial to you . Please try your best to not get stuck by needles as far as giving blood and blood drawn .acupuncture because may cause it to spread full body or to another party of your limbs or organs.



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