Question - CRPS Complex Regional Pain Syndrome


Penn Pain Management

Asked 7 years ago Patti 120

Good Morning,


I was wondering if anyone has had experience with Penn Pain Managemnet in Philadelphia?  I have had so amny other treatments including stellate ganglion blooks, lidocaine infusions (2x), ketamine infusion (won't do that again), spinal cord stimulator (2x), aqua therapy, physical therapy, mediations incuding narcotics, and one of the lidocaine infusions we added IVIG at the end.  The IVIG actually helped the most out of everything.  However, my wworkers' Compensation carrier will not pay for it again (we area fighting it) and I am in no postition to pay for it out of pocket.

Penn has agreed to schedule a consultation but they are waiting to hear back from my WC adjuster.(apparently they get over 200 request a day and have to evaluate each one to decide who they will accept as a patient)  I am just curios if anyone has had any experience with them, good or bad.  I want to inform myself about how they work.  Iam hoping that it is a team approach.  


Thank you all in advance,



7 answers | Know someone who can answer? Share the question and help to solve it

Unfortunately I don't know if any folks who have been to that one.  Have you found the support groups on Facebook? There are more than a few and I wonder if there might be adults on there who have tried this practice? 

Im sorry nothing has given you relief at this point! Sending lots of love and I hope this is the thing and you are approved!


Answered 7 years ago Meg 186

Sorry, I am not familiar with them however in the various groups I belong to the physician is normally the focus and the practice they belong to is seldom mentioned. 

Answered 7 years ago David 70

I'm from central US so I haven't but I shared this on my Facebook wall in hopes someone can answer. 

Answered 7 years ago Flora Langel "Naanad" DeKock 45

Thank you very much.  I appreciate the extra step!!!




Answered 7 years ago Patti 120

I posted this to my face book page. Unfortunately this is the first time I heard of this but I have friends who may know. Good luck!!

Answered 7 years ago Reva 11

Thank you!




Answered 7 years ago Patti 120

Sorry, Im in North West Arkansas, but I hope you find a good doc.  There are some great lists on Facebook with people from all over that might be able to help.  

Answered 7 years ago Marta 32
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