Story about CRPS Complex Regional Pain Syndrome .

My diagnosis of CRPS/RSD

Dec 2, 2

I was diagnosed about 3 months ago after 2 long years of pain and confusion.It all started in Aug 2013 when the stool I was standing on to silence the smoke alarm flipped.I fell into a wooden door frame at the time I thought I had a badly sprained foot but within an hour I knew I needed to go to the A&E.I was told I had broken my 4th and 5th metatarsals and I would be in plaster for 6-8 weeks.I ended up in a moon boot for 6 months.I continued to be in constant pain and the swelling was so bad at times I couldn't wear a shoe.My Orthopaedic Surgeon was baffled and couldn't figure out why the swelling was so severe and why I was still in so much pain.The pain seemed to be getting worse not better and after my umpteenth X-ray My Dr noticed a small area of arthritis so attributed the pain to that.As the pain was getting more significant and my last cortisone injection had failed completely an MRI was done.I was shocked when I saw my surgeon and he explained that there was visible shortening of my Archilles,a huge amount of fluid,Cysts(ganglion) and I would need to see the local "pain clinic".I took away a referral for physiotherapy and had a quick look at what he had written on it.Under diagnosis was written CRPS.I googled thisstraight away and almost felt a sense of relief as I now knew I would be not only taken seriously but I would get the help I needed.I have seen my Specialist twice since that day and he has been very upfront and honest about what he can do to help.I am still waiting to see the "Pain Clinic" and in the mean time I am trying different forms of pain relief.I am taking between 6-12 pills a day for this condition and am pleased to say they are offering me some relief.What I really think would help would be to connect with others who understand this terrible disease as I truly believe we can get much further in terms of healing, together.Thank you for taking the time to read my story.In the meantime I continue to be a director of small business my husband and I own,A Teacher Aide that specialises in working with children with special needs and most importantly a Mother to my two beautiful children.They are 8 and 10,My 8 year old son was diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome almost 5 years ago.I have a busy life and I am lucky enough that I got to achieve all of this before the CRPS hit.Each day it gets harder and harder but I am positive that with help I will learn to live with this and it won't dictate my life.


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CRPS (Complex regional pain syndrome) is a persistent pain condition most habitually distressing one of the limbs (feet, arms, hands or leg) due to any kind of injury or trauma. It is usually caused by breaks down of the central nervous systems.  It shows swelling in the affected part and changes in skin color. As such there are no single diagnostic tests to confirm the disease. For its treatment, rehabilitation therapy, psychotherapy and medications are prescribed by the doctors.

Commented 8 years ago DelaneyDoty 10

I have CRPS and am raising 3 wonderful children who all have their own special needs. We adopted them and have raised them and the oldest is now 17, the middle one is 15 and the youngest is 12. The oldest is autistic, sees the world through a narcissistic viewpoint. The middle of has fetal alcohol syndrome and is very eager to please, so much so that we have to watch her close now that she is a young woman, to make sure she is not taken advantage of. My little one is on the Autism spectrum, but you might never know it except for his energy. He talks to everyone and wants to know everyone's name and invite them to our house to play. Really, at the heart of it i think he is lonely. I know how he feels... So, anyway, I am 36, I got this pardon my french, but DAMN condition when I was 19, so I never got to grow up have a real adult life. Not to mention, the medicine has made me gain tons of weight.  So, my newest venture is I am going for a spinal cord stimulator. I have heard really good things about them making the pain to away eithervcompletely or enough that you can get off most of your meds. Anyways, I am here any time you want to talk. Just send me a friend request on Facebook.


Commented 6 years ago Chelsea 111

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