Story about Cystic Fibrosis .


Feb 20, 2016

My son was born in 2011, happy and seemingly healthy. He had had his routine screeners when he was two days old in the hospital and nothing was picked up as being abnormal. It wasn't until my husband and I decided to donate our three embryos being stored with a GC Clinic that we found out our news. You see, we had to be tested in order to donate these embryos to a close friend. Like other parents of CF children, we were not prepared to receive such devastating news. We were told over the phone that both my husband and I were carriers. Me, delta 508 and my husband a rather rare form f118 7t/9t but together that meant we had to get our two children tested. Charli our oldest won the genetic lottery when it comes to CF, she was found to be clear, not even a carrier, thankfully she had beaten the odds. This was not so for our Max. He was diagnosed with CF 2 years after he was born and our lives changed forever.

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