Question - Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder (DSPD)



Asked 5 years ago Bella 49

Hi, i tried to used CBD oil once because i cant sleep for how many days. We have a thesis to do in our school , a lot of stress are on my mind that's why i am having a hard time to sleep but along the way, while im browsing the net i saw this article and as im reading this i found out that CBD oil can have many benefits and it helps me also to sleep again. Maybe this one can help you

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Thanks for your suggestion. My sleep disorder is not caused by stress but by naturally altered circadian cycle. I have tried CBD seperately for joint pain in my hands and shoulders which was not very helpfull unfortunately but it did not alter my sleep cycle. 

Answered 5 years ago SNina 561

It has been a while since I’ve shared my success with cbd oil. I cannot tell you enough how much it has helped my insomnia! I couldn’t sleep properly for days. But it wasn’t like I didn’t sleep at all. I just had a hard time falling asleep at a good time. I would wake up groggy and annoyed with the world. Well… Not anymore! Thank you

Answered 4 years ago Cannabeme 10
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