A Dermatillomania interview , Migraine.

lovetheaardvarks's interview

How did all start?

My first memory of picking at my skin I was 4 years old. I don't know why it started, but my mother also does it to a degree.

Do you already have a diagnosis? How long did it take you to get it?

Yes and no. I have told my doctor about it but we have not officially talked about the diagnosis or treatment options.

For what medical specialties have you been treated? What has been the most useful specialty for your?

I have not had any official medical treatment.

What has been the most useful thing for you so far?

The most useful thing has been to limit my access to tools used to pick and to grow out my fingernails so I don't pick at the soft skin at the end of my fingers.

What have been your biggest difficulties?

I have taken several medications for other conditions that have made the dermatillomania worse.

How has your social and family environment reacted? Have your social or family relationships changed?

A lot of my family did not and still do not understand that it is a compulsion. They often yell "stop that" or "your going to make that sore" or "you'll get another scar." These observations are not helpful and usually result in more stress about the situation. I am ashamed of the state of my fingers when my customers see them sometimes. I feel it is unprofessional for them to be covered in scabs and scars.

What things have you stopped doing?

I have stopped laying my tools around where I can easily get to them. Sometimes just having to look for them can break the compulsion long enough to stop.

What do you think about the future?

I think the future with dermatillomania is the only one I could ever think of. It's something I've had pretty much my whole life and I don't feel that it's going to limit my prospects.

So far, which years have been the best years in your life? What have you done during them?

The best years of my life was 2012-2013 when I was in college for my freshman year. My diet and exercise changed and I was much happier and stress free. My picking frequency was up and down but mostly down. My migraines were mostly gone too.

What would you like to do if you didn’t have your condition?

I would love to polish my nails. As of right now I can't stand to have anything on them and I will pick it off.

If you had to describe your life in a sentence, what would it be?

Doing my best to spite my brain.

Finally, what advice would you give to a person in a similar situation?

Find support and know that you are not alone.

Oct 14, 2019

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