Question - Diabetes


Insulin automatic injection device

Asked 8 years ago José Manuel 52

Hello, has anybody tried any automatic device practicing exercise? I run frequently, and I am thinking to acquire an insulin automatic pump... but is a huge investment and I would like to hear some opinions first. Thanks!!

7 answers | Know someone who can answer? Share the question and help to solve it

I wear an insulin pump and I love it.  I don't have to take frequent shots throughout the day.  I can also adjust with how much insulin I take if I am going to do any activity where I might be more active, like exercise.   With shots I could not do that.  I would suggest a blood glucose monitoring system with an insulin  pump.  It takes your blood sugars about every five minutes and alerts you to any possible lows and highs.  Regular finger sticks are still required with the monitoring system just to make sure that it is calibrated correctly. 

Answered 8 years ago Tiffany LeClaire 15

If you're on a budget what I've heard many times is that people find a continuous glucose monitoring device to be more useful (I myself would choose it over my pump for athletic purposes if I had to pick one).  With that said, I have been on the Dexcom CGM system for 1.5 years and an Animas pump for 8 months (but was on a Medtronic pump for 12 years before that).

Answered 8 years ago Elizabeth 250

I've been using a Medtronic insulin pump for a little over two years now and it's the best decision I ever made! As for the running, the site itself stays in place pretty much all of the time, I have never ripped one out! I used to dance and my pump never really was an obstacle for me! I'm able to lower my insulin intake for the time I know I will be sporting and that prevents lows! As for the price I can't really help with that.. I live in Belgium and the government pays for all my diabetes equipment.. But I would really suggest talking it over with your doctor! Good luck and I hope you find a system that works best for you! 

Answered 8 years ago Jozefien 60

I have been on an insulin pump for nearly 7 years and it is an extremely reliable and flexible option for those of us who exercise regularly. It is so easy to reduce insulin doses while keeping with your regular eating regime (where as majority of the time those on injections would eat more/higher carbohydrate meals to compensate). For me that has always been a plus - not having to load up on carbs in order to feel safe when exercising. Its also relatively easy to exercise with the pump on, though at times I just remove it temporarily depending on the state of my blood sugar. I would definitely recommend it but definitely keep doing researcha get other opinions because some people don't prefer pumping. All the best! 

Answered 8 years ago Kathleen Armstrong 10

If you can afford one, get one. It's the best thing for you to keep control of your BG. It can be programmed in different ways, to give you a steady or variable basal bolus all day. I used to struggle with lows during exercise but now I let my BG rise before I run, disconnect the pump during exercise and put it on again afterwards.  It works like magic!

Answered 8 years ago Steve Nagle 10

I've worn a pump for over 17 years and love it! I've been a Type 1 diabetic for 57 years and don't miss sticking myself multiple times a day. Like others have said, it's especially nice when I exercise as I can turn down or off the amount of insulin that's going in. It's also nice for calculating carbs at mealtime. It figures it all out for you. My younger sister has just been diagnosed with diabetes and her mind is spinning trying to crunch the numbers every time she eats! As far as cost, if your Dr. writes a prescription for one there should be some place you can contact that will help pay for it (i.e. insurance, diabetes organization, etc.). Good luck! 

Answered 8 years ago Karen 21

I have been diabetic for 33 years and I have an 11 year old daughter that has been diabetic for 2. We both have insulin pumps and love them. My control is so much better with an insulin pump. I had A1C's that were in the 8 range, and now I am at a 6.1. Your pump makes life so much easier. It will calculate insulin after you put in how many carbs you are eating and what your glucose level is. This is especially great for my daughter. Hope you get a chance to try it, it is a game changer. 

Answered 8 years ago Heather 10
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