Question - Dystonia Disorder



Asked 8 years ago Paul Peach 20

anyone with blepthaspasm as part of the Dystonia conditions 

4 answers | Know someone who can answer? Share the question and help to solve it

yes my daughter Katie has this and really struggles to get her eyes open especially after sleeping 

Answered 8 years ago Katie Maguire 12

Dr. Joaquin Farias in Toronto has been able to help this condition -

Answered 8 years ago Adam 10

Hello Paul.  Do you mean blepharospasm?  Many people with dystonia have this condition that causes spasms in the eyelids and around the eyes.  It can also be accompanied by facial spasms and jaw clenching and swallowing difficulties.  I do not have blepharospasm but I do have generalized dystonia.  How old is Katie?  

Answered 8 years ago Gloria 10

Yes I have cervical and cranial dystonia with blepharospasm in my eyes and Oromandibular in my jaws and laryngeal dystonia in my throat also my tongue and the muscle below it and my esophagus are all spasmodic 

Answered 8 years ago Patty Hochheiser 30
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