Story about Dystonia Disorder .

My dystonic life

Dec 2, 2

I was about 49 years old when while walking my right leg would suddenly flop to the ground without any warning. It used to surprise me and made me laugh initially but when it continued I got worried and I started consulting doctors who couldn't find anything abnormal. After a year or so, I started to get twitches in my muscles and then suddenly while walking with my sister one day in August 2008, I found that my leg had become heavy and my steps very small and the distance between us grew to more than a 20 meters. I thought I was having a stroke and went to see a neurologist who sent me for a spine MRI as he thought I might have pressed nerve, but it turned out to be normal. That night I was flying back from Bombay to Paris and at the airport I had a very hard time keeping my balance and my feet were wobbly and felt very odd as though I was walking on eggs. At 52 i was diagnosed with functionnal leg dystonia but till today the doctors are skeptical and not really sure as all my tests are clear so far. 

I loved walking and now its a chore to walk. I have tried different medecines and done lot of PT but it hasn't helped much and I've been living a very handicapped life since then.

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