Story about Endometriosis , Anxiety.

ah endo

Dec 13, 2015

I hit puberty at 9 and spent the entirety of my first cycle curled around a heating pad on the floor by the toilet throwing up. I was 14 when the first dr suggested using a birth control to control some of my symptoms and I was 16 before my mom accepted that something may have actually been wrong with me. I tried yaz  and loestrin first then depo when I was 18. Found almost 3years of relief before I started cramping through again. From 21 to 23 I was Unmedicated at 22 I was ttc with my partner at the time. We miscarried and I was devistated. In July of this year I had the Mirena placed and in combo with 800mg ibuprofen and a muscle relaxer I feel pretty good considering.

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