Story about Erythema Multiforme .

Road to pain and back again

May 23, 2017

In 2010 I developed the signs of Lyme disease (classic bullseye rash) following what was believed to be a tick bite. I was treated for several weeks with antibiotics. 

The impact of the antibiotic treatment was to mess up my internal bacteria and I began to have persistent thrush. I saw a gynaecologist who prescribed emergency treatments to address the Thrush each time it occurred. 

In 2012 I had my first symptoms of Erythema Multiforme. A dark patch on my tongue, a lesion on my buttock and a red patch on each forefinger and big toe. There was a tingling sensation and hot itchiness but no open lesions or significant pain. This came with subsequent attacks. 

I was referred to a dermatologist at the local hospital who identified the condition immediately. However by the time I was seen I had had two subsequent attacks and each time the condition was worsening and becoming more painful. I began to have patches and lesions all over my body, with large open lesions in my mouth and buttocks. 

In total I had six attacks of EM before I realised my trigger. I had never experienced such pain and misery in my life as I did during those attacks. The lesions felt like burns and the pain is similar to shingles. It was impossible to tolerate even gentle warm water on my body, the lesions in my mouth stuck to each other at night and were agonising when they had to peel apart. Eating and drinking were a major struggle and even talking was a challenge. The information to Doctors and medics about this condition is misleading. Many of them believe the tripe about it being a mild self limiting condition. It is NOT MILD it is MISERABLY PAINFUL.

As I work in a really stressful job and I was being bullied by a manager at the time of the attacks, I initially thought the condition was stress related in me. However, luckily the penny dropped when I had my last attack within 20mins of taking a Canesten oral Thrush tablet prescribed on the advice of the gynaecologist. I immediately stopped all medical treatment of my Thrush and sought alternative natural treatments. I have never had another attack if EM. That key is to find your trigger. I was lucky, most people are still trying to identify theirs. It has made me really wary of the pharmaceutical industry and I now try natural and alternative treatments first for everything. 

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