Story about Esophageal cancer .

My husband's story

Dec 28, 2017

By: Gaynor

Year Condition Began: 2017

My hubby felt unwell in the march and April of 2017 and was very very badly miss diagnosed with acid reflux unfortunately by the May he was getting weaker and dramatically loosing weight. He was given an enderscope and two days later an emergency MRI scan. But it only all confirmed my suspicions. He had EC. Esophageal Cancer.... stage lV and inoperable.
He passed away 43 days after diagnoses... he suffered and for that I will always be forever saddened. He had served his Queen and country for 30 yrs as a police officer and faced many battles .... but he got the worst cancer you can get.... with little help available for stage 4 in the UK he was sent away ...and died at home surrounded by his 4 sons. He was 56 years old and I loved him xxx

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