Story about Evans Syndrome .

My Evan's syndrome war

May 25, 2017

By: Kelsey

I was diagnosed with Evan's syndrome a little over a year ago . I have been in the hospital with high fevers and bad infections. Had a lot of antibiotics . Also can't take steroids because they cause sever manic episodes . I have had rituxan infusions that have helped for about a year but still had high fever episodes that have landed me in the hospital. Recently I had a sinus infection and went to the emergency room 3 days in a row and got dismissed the first 2 days I went in . The third day they did blood work and a cat scan and the infection in my sinuses was so bad it had completely blocked my sinuses cavities. I spent a week in the hospital and had to have an immunoglobulin infusion and started my second rituxan infusion. My white counts were 0.2 and was in sever pain. I am tired all the time and also have ibs . I get bad migraines. When my counts get low my face breaks out, my gums swell, and usually I get a high fever. 

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