Story about Fabry disease .

A Fabry disease story

Feb 18, 2016

Born and raised in Tokyo. I also have an American cidesin ship because my mother is American.

I am a university student now.

I get my treatment once in 2 weeks. Don't have much difficulty in Daly life but I can't exersis alot do to my Simpsons of having nerve pain.


My biggest concern is how I can get treat ment for a affordable price over seas. This is because I can't stand the heat and humidity doing the summer time. Also there is not enough understanding in this country and it Is hard to get a job. 

I anybody knows how or where to get a treat ment in North America or Europe,It will be greatful if you let me know. 

I would also just like to chat to know how people are doing in the same condition.


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