Story about Factor V Leiden .

I learned of this

Apr 19, 2016

In September of 2012 I developed Sepsis, hospitalized 18 days.  Was given a pic line for ease of medication administering and blood draws.  Blood draws from the pic line didn't work, always plugged.  Had pic line 9 weeks total and never able to draw.  I had an older half brother who passed away.  One of the things I learned of after his passing was a blood disease he had, polycythemia vera.  Also a thick blood thing.  So I got tested after the pic line problem.  FVL positive!  I have 7 full younger siblings, of which one brother is FVL positive.  3 sisters are factor 2 positive, 1 brother was tested and told no on FVL but something is there.  One more sister and one more brother are untested yet.  Next generation of siblings kids are being tested and positives of 2 are there.  My biological father passed at 39 years old from massive heart attack in 1974.  I never knew him.  My birth mother had me at 15 years old in 1957, and was forced to give me up.  I found my birth family in 2005 and learned my lineage.  Bio father and birth mother married and had 7 more.  Bio father was the one who passed this on.

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