Story about Factor V Leiden .

My Story

May 4, 2017

When I was 17, I was on birth control. I like stop do stupid things. My friend and I decided it be fun to jump off our ranch style roof. Well, I jumped twice, landing on my feet both times, she never jumped. I had just started going to band back at school, for I left school to be homeschooled. My leg was achey on my way home. Didn't think much of it..but it was as the same thing the next couple days, getting worst. Went to Dr..they did x-rays, etc..found no breaks or fractures. Was sent in my way. Pain got worst..ended up on crutches, for I just couldn't walk on my leg anymore. Went to chiropractor. Got no where. After 2-3 weeks since I jumped, went to an orthopedic Dr..took one look at my leg and sent me off to get an ultrasound, and it was then they finally found I had a full blockage clot in my left leg. Was in hospital for a week. I got tested shortly after, and figured out I had the Factor V Leiden, homozygous. Fast forward to when I was daughter was born..I was 6 weeks postpartum and remember being up in her room, watching a TV show, for a good, 4 hours, legs crossed. Next day, my leg swelled, and I went to the ER, and that was when I got my second DVT. Fast forward to 2015, I found out I was pregnant, but miscarried a couple days later..had pain in my right leg..somehow was found I had a clot again in my left leg though..and that's when I had my 3rd clot. I have problems with my left leg, my entire pregnancies now. Always hurting, swelling, feeling burning..and when not pregnant, I take Coumadin orni have alot of pain in my leg now. My mom's family has a history with blood clots and having disorders..but between my 3 siblings and parents, I'm the only one who has problems. I have been told, "I rather have your disease than what I have" my sister. It has caused some battles, because she clearly doesn't realize how much having clots sucks..and how ours can be deadly..hers is not. Not many have knowledge with the FVL, so makes things tough. So there's my story!

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