Question - Fatal Familial Insomnia


Collaboration in social research

Asked 4 years ago Juan 355

Social reality of prion diseases are very unknown by the population. This study aims, as last objective, to cover this gap and help in a better knowledge of the social reality of families who live and suffer the effects of prion pathologies. 

This questionnaire (in Google form) has been designed by the Social Research Unit on Social Illnesses of UVa and it is qualitative.  That is, we ask the people who complete it to make a small effort to write their ideas. This questionnaire is intended to know, as best as possible, the social reality in which people living with prion diseases live. The answers have been tried to be simple and easy to understand. 

All information is anonymous and will be used only for research purposes.

We greatly appreciate your collaboration in this research. 


Thank you so much.

Link of questionnaire:

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